Correct clothing for a session

Skill type:
Clothing & Equipment
Placeholder image
Placeholder image

Suggested activities

To be added via CMS
  1. Put on and take off a helmet.
  2. Check a helmet for cracks and wear.
  3. Check clothing is appropriate for the weather and activities.
  4. Put on and take off protective equipment like knee and elbow pads.
  5. Ensure footwear is safe to ride with.
  6. Zip up an outer layer.
  7. Demonstrate understanding of what to do if anything is unsafe.

What to look for


Rider can

  • Perform all actions and make sure that the fit is correct for there helmet.
  • Spot potential danger - like baggy trousers or laces undone.
  • Bring appropriate clothing to sessions- sports, rainwear, warm, discipline etc.

Riders can demonstrate

  • Zipping a layer demonstrates fine motor skills for physical literacy.

Game ideas


Assessed by

To be added via the CMS
Activity Coach
Level 1 Coach
Level 2 Coach
Discipline Specific Coach


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