Full bike check and basic repairs

Skill type:
Bike Checks
Placeholder image
Placeholder image

Suggested activities

To be added via CMS
  1. Can use or demonstrate knowledge of basic tools.
  2. Complete a full bike m-check including:
    1. Checking headset for play.
    2. Checking for any loose bolts
    3. Checking for play in the bottom bracket.
    4. Knowing when it is time to replace your chain or cassette
  3. Set up bike for a ride (i.e., saddle height, reach)
  4. Has correct tools on them for a long ride
  5. Can pump up tyres to appropriate pressures for surface type, conditions, and rider weight.

What to look for


Game ideas


Assessed by

To be added via the CMS
Activity Coach
Discipline Specific Coach
Level 2 Coach